
Best Job to earn online

Earn Money with Micro-jobs

tips to me - sproutgigs

Today we will teach you the best website to earn money online with no effort or cost. You only have to do very easy micro-jobs to increase your threshold. We are glad to teach you all of these important details to improve your standard of living by helping you to increase your salary.

We will provide payment proofs received to us and other people who are doing these micro-jobs on this platform below to show you the trustiness of this website.

  •  How to Sign Up
  •  Email Verification
  •  How to Login
  •  Verify Your Account with Google Authenticator
  •  Doing a Simple Micro job

How to Sign Up

When you first click the link we provided you will be redirected to a page like this.

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - sign up page in sproutgigs

Then you must click Sign up

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - click sign up

After Clicking sign up you must fill in all the details that are requested

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - sign up

As we have provided in the below image.

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - fill the details in sign up page

Note: Passwords must be at least 8 characters and contain 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, and 1 number

Then it will be redirected to this page

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - after sign up

Congratulations my friend now you are signed up for the page.

Email Verification

On this site, it is not enough for signing up. You need to verify your email address. This step has been implemented due to the false registrations done by the past people who worked on this site.

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - email

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - click email

When you click on the link provided you will be redirected to the below site.

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - account is verified

Your account has been successfully activated.

How to Login

After the above step, you can log in to your account. So type the email and password you provided in the signup process and click login.

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs -  log in

Verify Your Account with Google Authenticator

Now we see how to verify your account with google authenticator. After following all these steps you will get a page like this.

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - interface

Then click any micro-job, which will appear to verify your account.

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - verify your account

On this page, you should click "Account Setting".

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - click the verify button

After that, a page appears like this. On this page, you have to click " Click to Enable" as we Show. 

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - click to verify

Then which will appear a QR code.

Note: Above QR code is a demonstration only.

After that, you have to download the Google Authentication app to scan this QR.

tips to me - earn money with micro jobs - google authenticator

That software is easy to set up. Now you can scan the QR code with Google Authentication. 

After scanning it you have to copy or save the secret code which will appear. 

Note: Do not share this secret code. Save it in a secure place. 

Now your "Sprout Gigs" account is secured.

Doing a Simple Micro Job

Now we'll see the most important part of this tutorial. In this instance, I teach you how to do an SEO job in Sprout gigs. Don't worry about it as all categories are similar to some extent.

First, you have found an SEO job. Selecting the category will make it easier. For that, you have to click the "category" button as we show. After that select "SEO + Promote Content + Search + Engage" and press apply. Now you can see too many gigs. You can select one of them.  

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